Історії успіху

Історії успіху

Triangu — це команда досвідчених DevOps та Cloud фахівців, яка надає консалтингові та керовані послуги по всьому світу з дотриманням чітко визначених стандартів якості та термінів, згідно з договором рівня обслуговування (SLA).

Фільтри для пошуку




Веб-платформа для ЦВК

IFES – це неприбуткова міжнародна організація, яка будує стійкі демократії заради кращого майбутнього. З 1987 року місії IFES працюють у більш ніж 145 країнах, як у країнах, що розвиваються, так і в країнах із розвинутими демократіями. IFES Ukraine обрав Triangu для втілення проєкту посилення цифрової трансформації та кібербезпеки для свого бенефіціара — Центральної виборчої комісії України (ЦВК), яка є кінцевим користувачем результатів проєкту.

Проект “Charity Hero”

Charity Hero — це волонтерська ініціатива, яка використовує передові технології для того, щоб зробити благодійність доступнішою, ефективнішою та прозорішою. Вони зосереджуються на збільшенні кількості соціальних ініціатив, сприянні культурі довіри до благодійних проєктів та забезпеченні прозорого використання коштів за допомогою інтерактивної звітності.

Prozorro Case

Prozorro.Sale: Цифрова система аукціонів для збільшення державних доходів Prozorro.Sale – це цифрова система аукціонів, яка сприяє збільшенню державних доходів за допомогою відкритих та чесних торгів. Створена за співпраці з Міністерством економічного розвитку і торгівлі України, Transparency International Україна, Фондом гарантування вкладів фізичних осіб, Національним банком України та українськими електронними майданчиками. Система Prozorro.Sale є обов’язковою на законодавчому рівні для реалізації державного та комунального майна в Україні.

Проект для ДАРТ

Державне агентство розвитку туризму України (ДАРТ) є центральним органом виконавчої влади, що реалізує державну політику у сфері туризму та курортів України.

Наші останні проекти


Atlassian stack integration for process management

“Due to Triangu’s professionalism the project was implemented in the very short terms. They recommended the optimum way to build workflows and conducted training to our team, what ensured smooth system adoption.”

Y. H. Snihirov,
Director of UNIT.Service

Initial situation

UNIT.Service is a part of UNIT.City that ensures residents comfort and well-being. With the growth of the community it faced increasing number of requests of different types. Manual processing became more and more, complicated and uncontrollable.

Business needs
  • Convenient and simple way of sending request for the residents
  • Quick and timely requests processing
  • Minimization of requests on repetitive issues
  • Requests analytics
  • Jira Service Management (formerly known as Jira Service Desk) implementation for requests processing
  • Jira Core – for control and tracking
  • Workflows tuning according to the internal business procedures
  • Documents workflow and knowledge base creation by integrating Confluence
  • All requests are processed and tracked within singe system
  • Multi-tiered support structure implemented
  • Requests flow visibility and timely processing
  • SLA implemented
Tech Stack

Jira Service Desk

Jira Core



Jira Service Management (formerly known as Jira Service Desk) implementation

“Thanks to Triangu’s expertise we managed to create perfect infrastructure that supports efficient business flows the way that we deliver our final product to the Client on time and with required quality.”

Alexandra Suslich,
Director at ControlPay

Initial situation

ControlPay faced challenges in combining ticketing system and Jira Service Management (formerly known as Jira Service Desk). There was a need to find perfect combination that could lead to process flows optimization, information consistency and logical team coordination per business process.

Business needs
  • Gain customized and properly functioning ticketing system with integrated Jira Service Management (formerly known as Jira Service Desk)
  • Optimization of business processes for better orientation on Client need
  • Jira migration and upgrade
  • Jira Service Management (formerly known as Jira Service Desk) customization according to the established processes
  • Redesign of workflows
  • Workflows automation with additional Jira plugins
  • Disposal of manual tickets distribution
  • Improved and re-established business processes
  • Requests flow visibility and quick processing
  • Routine task automation minimized time for ticket processing

AWS cloud infrastructure built from scratch

“We managed to solve our major pain points due to Triangu’s involvement: CI/CD automation and microservices architecture implementation.”

Volodymyr Bryskin,
CEO at CourseYard

Initial situation

CourseYard was working on application development and came to us with the need for DevOps process and microservices architecture implementation from scratch. They required placing the application in the cloud to ensure stability, scalability and security.

Business needs
  • Ensure quality and speed up application releases
  • Provide system stability and failover for the application
  • Infrastructure cost optimization
  • CI\CD implementation
  • Infrastructure as a code
  • Distributed multi-cloud solution
  • The infrastructure provided required deployment frequency
  • Development processes, supported by CI/CD toolchain, lead to efficient and stable delivery of functionality to end-users
  • The solution is ready for scaling and deployment in different locations
Tech Stack


Barracuda NLB






Mobile financial solution integration

“I would like to thank Triangu for the excellent work that has been proven by 3+ years of the mutually beneficial collaboration! We would like to admit Triangu’s deep understanding of telecom industry and high-level technical expertise applying DevOps practice.”

Nicolas Jallad,
Head of Delivery, Mobile Operators BU at Idemia

Initial situation

Idemia got a contract with TOP-5 MNO group and needed a fast Mobile Financial Services product launch within different Telco providers. It required a specific set of skills to integrate with existing BSS/OSS infrastructure and deep business domain expertise to support end customers with Product customization to align with local regulations.

Business needs
  • Fast project delivery to meet time-to-market product launch
  • Customization of core product according to end-Customers requirements
  • Multiple integration points required team of specific resources with domain expertise able to work at Customer’s premises
  • Set up a strong local team using past domain expertise
  • Adapted generic IT infrastructure design to meet Customer platform requirements
  • Infrastructure deployment & Solution rollout incl setup, E2E QA validation and handover to support
  • Prod Rack on site deployment and Disaster Recovery SetUp
  • Fast team onboarding to support initial requirements shaping
  • Covered full-cycle of project management ensuring productive relationship with end customers
  • A complex project has been delivered through all the phases in a cost efficient way and successfully transferred to the support team
Tech Stack


Jenkins CI







Migration to Jira ITSM for Ukrainian Manufacturer

“Due to Triangu’s expertise, we managed to solve informational discrepancy and internal processes interruptions. SLAs and ITIL standards improved work efficiency.”

Nicolas Jallad,
Head of Delivery, Mobile Operators BU at Idemia

Initial situation

Astarta-Kyiv was growing dynamically and current ticketing system stopped fulfilling requirements of quick and timely requests processing. Independent knowledge bases caused informational discrepancy and internal processes interruptions.

Business needs
  • Control of tasks fulfillment timings and quality (SLA)
  • Standardizing company processes according to ITIL
  • Streamline support response
  • Create self-service culture with easy access to knowledge
  • Jira family implementation and configuration
  • Workflows tuning according to ITIL
  • Processes automatization with Automation for Jira
  • Multi-tiered support structure implemented
  • Adopted workflows per ITIL standards
  • Requests flow visibility and timely processing
  • Routine task automation minimized time for ticket processing
Tech Stack

Jira Core

Jira Software

Jira Service Management


Automation for Jira


Optimization of CI processes and introduction of DR solution

“Due to Triangu’s expertise and excellent execution on different projects, we have managed to get our main goal — significantly improve application delivery process.”

Alex Lazarchuk,
Head of Engineering at REMIT

Initial situation

During projects execution Remit team required high standards for solution delivery. They started partnership with Triangu as a DevOps professionals for optimizing existing and building new delivery processes in AWS cloud to achieve stability and scalability.

Business needs
  • Automated CI / CD processes
  • System availability during upgrade process
  • Overall delivery process optimization and monitoring
  • Infrastructure monitoring
  • CI / CD pipelines implementation
  • Infrastructure monitoring implementation
  • CD delivery optimization using Triangu Best Practices experience
  • CD delivery optimization using Triangu Best Practices experience
  • Infrastructure and delivery pipeline monitoring improved development process visibility
Tech Stack







Jenkins CI




Big Data Lab program

“Our team has been impressed by fast project onboarding and infrastructure delivery from Triangu side. We appreciate their passion supporting our teams during Big Data Lab project.”

ladimir Rybalko, Head of CRM and Digital communications at Vodafone

Initial situation

Via our partners devchallenge.it we’ve got a request from Vodafone to support Big Data Lab program with cloud infrastructure and consulting services. The main challenge was to rapidly kickoff the project. Timing was very tough and the program required trainings for the participants and their support 24/7 during the weekend.

Business needs
  • Fast ramp up with infrastructure for 30+ data science teams
  • DevOps support and training during hackathon and acceleration program
  • Software architecture consultancy for AI/ML/Data mining solutions
  • Public training session on AWS usage for participants
  • Hackathon event non-stop support for 36 hours
  • Teams consulting on further product development and secured data management during acceleration program
  • Conducted training session for 300+ participants
  • Stable infrastructure for 37 teams during hackathon
  • 15 teams on acceleration program supported
  • Assistant to one of the finalists in launching the product
Tech Stack

Amazon EC2





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